Download phpMyAdmin 4.4.7



Version de correction de bugs.

- bug #4876 Settings issues (Favorite tables shown twice in Settings)
- bug #4896 Non-styled error page when following results link
- bug #4894 Deleting without confirmation
- bug #4858 Issues with SQL autocomplete
- bug #4897 Column hint in SQL autocomplete is sometimes not shown
- bug #4898 JS error after selecting a field and press Enter
- bug Honor proxy settings when getting Git commit information
- bug Missing title on link
- bug #4512 ForceSSL Redirect Check
- bug Undefined index collation_connection
- bug Error when the reporting server is down
- bug Escape database and table names for partition maintenance
- bug Invalid value for CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER
- bug #4367 Import status infinite loop
- bug #4902 Designer: Loading does not work

- bug #4904 Setup: Overview > Display does not work
- bug #4906 Designer: pages from all databases

  • Merci de signaler tout problème rencontré avec ce script

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