Download phpMyAdmin 4.1.7



Version de corrections de bugs.

- bug #4245 initial Browse query does not match sorting order
- bug #4250 Notice on export page
- bug #4253 "New" text in navigation frame acts like a database
- bug #4262 Cannot define a column with fractional seconds
- bug #4265 Missing datepicker icon for DATETIME(length)
- bug #4257 Hide fractional seconds when applicable
- bug #4264 Uncheck "Ignore" while inserting, upon leaving a textarea
- bug #4260 reCaptcha is ignoring language settings
- bug #4259 reCaptcha sound session expired problem
- bug #4263 Japanese character encoding not working properly when exporting
- bug #4269 Notice on table relation page
- bug #4270 Bad text-color for table comments
- bug #4278 reCaptcha re-login requires double effort
- bug #4272 Incorrect tabindex
- bug #4271 Query by example and the second criteria line

- bug #4242 Wildcard-containing only_db failure in sidebar

  • Merci de signaler tout problème rencontré avec ce script

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