Download phpMyAdmin 4.5.4



Version de correction de bugs.

- issue #11724 live data edit of big sets is not working
- issue Table list not saved in db QBE bookmarked search
- issue #11777 While 'changing a column', query fails with a syntax error after the 'CHARSET=' keyword
- issue #11783 Avoid syntax error in javascript messages on invalid PHP setting for max_input_vars
- issue #11784 Properly handle errors in upacking zip archive
- issue #11785 Set PHP's internal encoding to UTF-8
- issue #11786 Fixed Kanji encoding in some specific cases
- issue #11787 Check whether iconv works before using it
- issue #11788 Avoid conversion of MySQL error messages
- issue #11792 Undefined index: parameters
- issue #11802 Undefined index: field_name_orig
- issue Undefined index: host

  • Merci de signaler tout problème rencontré avec ce script

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