Download phpMyAdmin 4.4.2



Version de correction de bugs.

- bug #4835 PMA_hideShowConnection not called after submit_num_fields
- bug #4836 Server warning after moving from console to direct clicks
- bug #4837 Duplicate new version notification when using the "Back" button
- bug #4839 DOC link in setting is broken
- bug #4841 Status page: Mislukte pogingen per uur value is incorrect
- bug MIME Transformation link fixed
- bug #4838 Prevents console window from moving out of the screen height
- bug #4829 Create procedure via SQL Editor not more possible
- bug #4833 CSS and Javascript are not compressed
- bug #4849 Functions accessed from navigation do not load on ajax dialog
- bug #4850 Relation view on 1920

  • Merci de signaler tout problème rencontré avec ce script

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