
(PHP 7 >= 7.4.0, PHP 8)

FFI::memcmpCompares memory areas


public static FFI::memcmp(string|FFI\CData &$ptr1, string|FFI\CData &$ptr2, int $size): int

Compares size bytes from the memory areas ptr1 and ptr2. Both ptr1 and ptr2 can be any native data structures (FFI\CData) or PHP strings.

Liste de paramètres


The start of one memory area.


The start of another memory area.


The number of bytes to compare.

Valeurs de retour

Returns < 0 if the contents of the memory area starting at ptr1 are considered less than the contents of the memory area starting at ptr2, > 0 if the contents of the first memory area are considered greater than the second, and 0 if they are equal.